
Monday, July 6, 2015

Purple potato glutinous rice diet is full Don't go on a diet also slim

Principle of high-fiber whole grains weight cookbook thin body
Fiber can hinder the absorption of food, water absorption expansion in the stomach, can form a larger volume, make the person produces satiety, helps to reduce food intake, have certain effect on weight control.People can eat the food with much fiber in a certain period of time is good for digestion, absorption, and then will waste discharge.Diet to eat more fiber, chewing) has the number of times, dine at a slower pace, therefore, the results enable small intestine to absorb nutrients slowly, hard to rise in blood sugar levels.As the food fiber can promote the intestinal peristalsis, if a large number of edible, constipation also naturally decreases, the incidence of colorectal cancer will decline.

Two high-fiber diet
A, glutinous rice,
Glutinous rice is a mild tonic, tonify deficiency, warm blood, spleen and stomach, stop sweat, etc.Modern scientific research shows that: glutinous rice contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B and starch, etc., for removing strong product.Containing starch for amylopectin, so difficult to digest in the stomach hydrolysis, so glutinous rice is a super belly full of food oh, sister paper of losing weight can eat!
Glutinous rice balls
Raw material: purple glutinous rice, round rice 200 grams each.
Ingredients: essence spray 50 grams, 50 grams of peanut powder, red pepper at the end of the article 1, 15 grams of ginger, mushroom, 2 stock 3 t.
Seasoning: thing powder 1/4 teaspoon, half a spoonful of sugar, cornstarch and a half spoon, dash of sesame oil.
1. The purple glutinous rice, round rice, mix well add cold water soak 5 hours, plus the water into the boiler of flooded rice steam for 40 minutes.
2. Lean meat, mushroom and cut it into foam, spray and saute ginger, red pepper spray into the pan, add stock, small fire slow roll under the condiment in about 10 minutes.
3. Will be cooked lean she stuffing and steamed glutinous rice to stir, stir knead into a ball with the hand, after again into the steamer for about 3 minutes.

Second, the sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes for convolvulaceae. Also called sweet potato, sweet potato, potato, etc.Each hectogram, according to the determination of sweet potato contains quantity of heat only 127 kilocalorie, crude fiber 0.5 grams, fat zero.2 grams of carbohydrate 29.5 grams, the other materials such as inorganic salt and vitamin.Sweet potato contains quantity of heat is only half of the steamed bread.Sweet potatoes for food.Sweet potatoes for alkaline food thing, inhibits the growth and accumulation of subcutaneous fat after eating.In addition, sweet potatoes and conducive to row, to lose weight.
Sweet potatoes can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked food, etc.Before cooking, will sweet potato slices with salt water bubble or two hours to cook or bake, can reduce food after pantothenic acid and discomfort such as abdominal bloating and exhaust.

Sweet potatoes and vegetables soya-bean milk soup
Ingredients: 50 g yellow purple sweet potato sweet potato 50 grams of red sweet potato 50 g taro 100 grams 100 grams 150 grams of soy milk 500 ㏄ pumpkin potato water 600 ㏄ kelp element 6 g of salt.
1. The purple sweet potato, yellow sweet potato and red sweet potato, taro, potato, pumpkin are washed, peeled, cut into small cubes. Set aside.
2. Heat pan heat 1 tablespoon oil, add all processing method 1 good material fully and stir evenly, pour into the fire, boil water to small and medium-sized fire continued to all material boiled soft, then add soya-bean milk continue to cook for 2 minutes, finally, seasoned with salt and kelp 

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